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Employee Scholarship

Since its founding in 2012, TACT has been committed to scholarship and service within the behavior analysis community. This includes conducting and publishing applied research; presenting clinical work at local and national conferences; teaching undergraduate and graduate courses; and supporting the behavior analysis community through service towards various organizations. The following is a list* of TACT scholarship.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


Whelan, C. J., Hanley, G. P., & LaCroix, K. A. (under review). On the status of training 

practitioners to conduct functional analyses. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.


Whelan, C. J., Hanley, G. P., Landa, R. K., Sullivan, E., LaCroix, K. A., & Metras, R. A. 

(2021). A randomized controlled trial of a seminar-based training on the accurate and general implementation of the practical functional assessment process. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 54(4), 1437-1455.


Buckley, J., Fountain, J, Meuse, S., Whelan, C. J., Maguire, H., Harper, J. M., & Luiselli, J. K. 

(2020). Performance improvement of care providers in a child services setting: Effects of an incentive-based negative reinforcement intervention on data recording. Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 2(2), 1-11.


Hillier, A., Goldstein, J., Tornatore, L., Byrne, E., & Johnson, H. (2019). Outcomes of a peer 

mentoring program for university students with disabilities. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 27(5), 487-508. doi:10.1080/13611267.2019.1675850


McKenna, J. W., Newton, X., & Bergman, E. R. (2019). Inclusive instruction for students 

receiving special Education services for emotional disturbance: A survey development study. Assessment for Effective Intervention.


Hillier, A., Goldstein, J., Tornatore, L., Byrne, E., Ryan, J., & Johnson, H. (2018). Mentoring 

college students with disabilities: Experiences of the mentors. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 7(3), 202-218. 


Roscoe, E. M., Schlichenmeyer, K. J., & Dube, W. V. (2015). Functional analysis of problem 

behavior: A systematic approach to the identification of idiosyncratic variables. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 48(2), 289-314.


Schlichenmeyer, K. J., Dube, W. V., & Vargas-Irwin, M. (2015). Stimulus fading and response 

elaboration in differential reinforcement for alternative behavior. Behavioral Interventions, 30(1), 51-64. DOI: 10.1002/bin.1402


Kelly, M A., Roscoe, E. M., Hanley, G. P., & Schlichenmeyer, K. J. (2014). Evaluation of 

assessment methods for identifying social reinforcers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 47(1), 113-135. DOI: 10.1002/jaba.107 


Brundage, S., Whelan, C. J., & Burgess, C. (2013). Brief Report: Treating stuttering in an adult 

with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43, 483-489.


Querim, A. C., Iwata, B. A., Roscoe, E. M., Schlichenmeyer, K. J., Ortega, J. V., & Hurl, K. E. 

(2013). Functional analysis screening for problem behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 46(1), 47-60.


Schlichenmeyer, K. J., Roscoe E. M., Rooker, G. W., Wheeler, E. E., & Dube, W.V. (2013).  

Idiosyncratic variables that affect functional analysis outcomes: a review (2001-2010). Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 46(1), 339-48. doi: 10.1002/jaba.12. 


Rodriguez, N. M., Thompson, R. H., Stocco, C. S., & Schlichenmeyer, K. J. (2013). Arranging 

and ordering in autism: Characteristics, severity, and environmental correlates. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 38(3), 242.255.


Rodriguez, N. M., Thompson, R. H., Schlichenmeyer, K. J., & Stocco, C. S. (2012). Functional 

analysis and treatment of arranging and ordering in individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 45(1), 1-22. doi: 10.1901/jaba.2012.45-1



Non-Referred Articles and Book Chapters


Sampson, A. M. (2019). Evaluation of an observational learning procedure on the preferences of 

children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. ProQuest LLC (1-54). M.S. Thesis, University of Massachusetts Lowell. 


Boivin, N. E., Blevins, H., Norton, V., Pierce C., Stone, A. R., Weiss, M. J., & Whelan, C. J. 

(2015). Characteristics of interdisciplinary practice. Southeast Education Network, 17(3). Retrieved from 



Conference Presentations and Workshops



LaCroix, K.A. (April 2022). Balance for Waitlists. Invited Webinar. 


LaCroix, K.A., Hanley, G.P., Whelan, C.J., Rodriguez, S., Ruppel, K., Beckwith, A. (May 2022). An Evaluation of Balance Delivered via Telehealth. Association for Behavior Analysis, International, Boston, MA. 


Fraser, K., Whelan, C.J., LaCroix, K.A., de Saint Phalle, R. (May 2022). Differential Reinforcement of Correct Responses during Baseline Conditions: A Preliminary Investigation. Association for Behavior Analysis, International, Boston, MA. 


LaCroix, K.A., Hanley, G.P., Whelan, C.J., Rodriguez, S., Ruppel, K., Beckwith, A. (September 2022). An Evaluation of Balance Delivered via Telehealth. Association for Behavior Analysis, International, Dublin, Ireland. 


LaCroix, K.A. (October 2022). Speaking the Language of Funders: Aligning Goals with Medical Necessity and Funder Requirements. Invited Talk at Berkshire Association of Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Worcester, MA. 


LaCroix, K.A., Hanley, G.P., Whelan, C.J. (October 2022). A Review of Response Shaping in Applied Works. Berkshire Association of Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Worcester, MA. 



LaCroix, K. A., Whelan, C. J., Ghaemmaghmi, M., Hanley, G. P., & Byrne, E. (May 2021) A 

within-session examination of open and closed contingency classes in functional analysis. Presented at the 47th ABAI Annual Convention, Virtual.




Byrne, E. S. (2019) Teaching money skills to a five-year-old boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A study of stimulus equivalence. Presented at the University of Massachusetts Lowell Poster Symposium.


Sampson, A. M. (2019). A backward chaining procedure to teach piano to an adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Presented at the University of Massachusetts Lowell Poster Symposium. 


Whelan, C. J., Hanley, G. P., Landa, R. K., Sullivan, E., LaCroix, K. A., & Metras, R. A. (October 2019). Randomized Controlled Trial of a Seminar-Based Training on the Accurate and General Implementation of the Practical Functional Assessment Process. Berkshire Association of Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Worcester, MA. 


Rosenblum, A., Whelan, C. J., & Landa R. K. (May 2019) Interview-Informed Synthesized 

Contingency Analyses and Functional Communication Training: Replications in an Educational Setting. Presented at the 45th ABAI Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. 




LaCroix, K. A., Fuller, M. C., & de Saint Phalle, R. (October 2018). A Comparison of Video Modeling and Least-to-Most Prompting for Establishing Play Sequences in Children with Autism. Berkshire Association of Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.


Rosenblum, A., Driscoll, A, Taylor, N., & Whelan, C. J. (October 2018). Interview-Informed 

Synthesized Contingency Analyses and Functional Communication Training: Replications in an Educational Setting. Presented at the meeting of the Berkshire Association of Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.


Sampson, A. M., Byrne, E. S., Schlichenmeyer, K. J. (October 2018). Treatment of Self 

Injurious Behavior Maintained by Automatic Reinforcement. Presented at the meeting of the Berkshire Association of Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.


Diggs, K. A. & Schlichenmeyer, K. J. (May 2018). Beyond teaching social skills. A model for 

turning skill acquisition into employment. Presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International Annual Convention; San Diego, CA.


Guiness, K., Lapointe, S., & Schlichenmeyer, K. J. (May 2018). Attention maintained vocal 

stereotypy: a clinical demonstration. Presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International Annual Conv

Convention; San Diego, CA.


Johnson, K., Williams, A., & Schlichenmeyer, K. J. (May 2018). Becoming an expert on CPT 

codes. Presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International Annual Convention; San Diego, CA.


LaCroix, K.A., Fuller, M.C., & de Saint Phalle, R. (May 2018). A Comparison of Video 

Modeling and Least-to-Most Prompting for Establishing Play Sequences in 

Children with Autism. Association for Behavior Analysis, International, San 

Diego, CA.


Driscoll, A., Rosenblum, A., & Whelan, C. J. (May 2018). Interview-Informed Synthesized 

Contingency Analyses and Functional Communication Training: Replications in an Educational Setting. Presented at the 44th ABAI Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.


Whelan, C. J. & Hanley, G. P. (May 2018). Consultant-Supported Functional Analyses in 

Educational Settings. Presented at the 44th ABAI Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.


Williams, A., Davis, T., & Schlichenmeyer, K.J. (May 2018). It’s the law! An overview of 

laws governing ABA services. Presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International Annual Convention; San Diego, CA.




Fountain, J., Buckley, J., Meuse, S., & Whelan, C. J. (October 2017) The Effects of Negative 

Reinforcement on Clinical Data Collection. Presented at the meeting of the Berkshire Association of Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.


Whelan, C. J. & Hanley, G. P. (October 2017). Consultant-Supported Functional Analyses in 

Educational Settings. Presented at the meeting of the Berkshire Association of Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.


Fountain, J., Buckley, J., Meuse, S., & Whelan, C. J. (May 2017). The Effects of Negative 

Reinforcement on Clinical Data Collection. Presented at the 43rd ABAI Annual Convention, Denver, CO.


Schlichenmeyer, K. J., LaCroix, K. A., & Diggs, K. A. (May, 2017). The forgotten 

Dimension: Applications of Analysis in Clinical Problem Solving. Massachusetts Association of Behavior Analysis, Marlborough, MA.




Whelan, C. J. & Orchanian, S. T. (October 2016). Human Sexuality and Relationship Training 

for Students with Autism in Applied Settings. Workshop presented at the meeting of the Berkshire Association of Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.


Schlichenmeyer, K. J., LaCroix, K. A., Diggs, K. A., & Fleck, K. M. (September 2016). The Role of Analysis in Creating Meaningful Treatments. Minnesota Northland Association for Behavior Analysis, Minneapolis, MN. 


Aller, L., Schlichenmeyer, K. J. (May 2016). The Use of Telemedicine of Broaden Service Delivery. Presented at the Association for Behavioral Analysis International 42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL.


DeLisle, D., Thomason-Sassi, J., & LaCroix, K.A. (May 2016). Use of Multiple Schedules and Reinforcement Thinning in the Treatment of Perseverative Speech. Association for Behavior Analysis, International, Chicago, IL.


Diggs, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., & LaCroix, K.A.  (May 2016).  Systematic Evaluation of treatment outcomes across home and community settings. Association for Behavior Analysis, International, Chicago, IL.


Diggs, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., & Pizzoferato, A. (May 2016). Mitigation of reactivity via telehealth: A case study. Presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 42nd Annual Convention; Chicago, IL.


LaCroix, K.A., DeLisle, D., Thomason-Sassi, J., & Schlichenmeyer, K.J. (May 2016). Assessment and Treatment of Preservative Speech. Association for Behavior Analysis, International, Chicago, IL.


Schmidt, J.D., Rooker, G., Rolider, N., Schlichenmery, K.J., Roscor, E.M., Jennet, H., Zarcone, J.R., & Hagoian, L.P. (May, 2016). Comparisons of the utility of multiple and single topography functional analysis. Presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 42nd Annual Convention; Chicago, IL.


Whelan, C. J., Harper, J. M., & Stone, A. R. Treatment of Aggression During Transitions for an 

Individual with Autism and Physical Impairments. Presented at the 42nd ABAI Annual Convention, Chicago, IL (2016, May).




Diggs, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., & LaCroix, K.A.  (October 2015).  Systematic Evaluation of treatment outcomes across home and community settings. Berkshire Area Behavior Analysts and Therapists, Amherst, MA.


Diggs, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., LaCroix, K.A., & Fleck, K. (October 2015).  Application of clinic-based research in the home setting. Berkshire Area Behavior Analysts and Therapists, Amherst, MA.


LaCroix, K.A., DeLisle, D., Thomason-Sassi, J., & Schlichenmeyer, K.J. (October 2015). Assessment and Treatment of Preservative Speech. Berkshire Area Behavior Analysts and Therapists, Amherst, MA.


LaCroix, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., & Diggs, K.A. (October 2015). Assessment and 

treatment of problem behavior exhibited in the community setting. Berkshire Area Behavior Analysts and Therapists, Amherst, MA. 


Whelan, C. J., Harper, J. M., & Stone, A. R. Treatment of Aggression During Transitions for an 

Individual with Autism and Physical Impairments. Presented at the meeting of the Berkshire Association of Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA (2015, October).


Diggs, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., LaCroix, K.A., & Fleck, K. (May 2015).  Application of Clinic-based research in the home setting. Massachusetts Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, Marlborough, MA.


LaCroix, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., & Diggs, K.A. (May 2015). Assessment and treatment of problem behavior exhibited in the community setting. Massachusetts Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, Marlborough, MA.


Diggs, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., LaCroix, K.A., & Fleck, K. (May 2015).  Application of clinic-based research in the home setting.  Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Antonio, TX.


LaCroix, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., & Diggs, K.A. (May 2015). Assessment and treatment of problem behavior exhibited in the community setting. Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Antonio, TX.


Mead, S., Iwata, B., Roscoe, E., Schlichenmeyer, K.J. Notable Advances in the Summaries of the Functional Analysis and Treatment of Problem Behavior. Presented at the Association for Behavioral Analysis International 41st Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL (May 2015). 


Mead, S., Iwata, B., Roscoe, E., Schlichenmeyer, K.J. Evaluation of a Screening Procedure for the Assessment of Aggression. Presented at the Association for Behavioral Analysis International 41st Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL (May 2015).


Diggs, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., & LaCroix, K.A. (January 2015).  Assessment and treatment of problem behavior in a home setting: A systematic replication.  Association for Behavior Analysis International. Annual Autism Conference, Las Vegas, NV.


LaCroix, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., & Diggs, K.A. (January 2015). Assessment and treatment of problem behavior exhibited in the community setting. Annual Autism Conference, Las Vegas, NV.




Diggs, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., & LaCroix, K.A. (October 2014).  Assessment and treatment of problem behavior in a home setting: A systematic replication.  Berkshire Area Behavior Analysts and Therapists, Amherst, MA.


LaCroix, K.A., Schlichenmeyer, K.J., & Diggs, K.A. (October 2014). Assessment and treatment of problem behavior exhibited in the community setting. Berkshire Area Behavior Analysts and Therapists, Amherst, MA.




Schlichenmeyer. K. J., Roscoe, E. M., Dube, W. V. Generalization and maintenance of stimulus 

control based intervention. Presented at the New York State Association for Behavior 

Analysis Conference (November, 2013).




Keeler, J., Schlichenmeyer, K. J., Rooker, G., Roscoe, E. Identifying positive reinforcement 

contingencies in the escape condition of functional analyses. Presented at the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis Conference, Amherst, MA. (October, 2012). 


Querim, A.C, Iwata, B. A., Roscoe, E. M., Schlichenmeyer, K. J., & Orega, J. V. Functional 

Analysis Screening for Problem Behavior Maintained by Automatic Reinforcement. Presented at the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis Conference. Amherst, MA. (October, 2012).


Querim, A.C, Iwata, B. A., Roscoe, E. M., Schlichenmeyer, K. J., Ortega, J. V. Functional 

Analysis Screening for Problem Behavior Maintained by Automatic Reinforcement. Presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International Conference, Seattle, WA. (May, 2012). 


Schlichenmeyer, K. J., Roscoe, E. M., Dube, W. V. A systematic methodology for the 

identification of idiosyncratic variables in functional analysis outcomes. Presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis National Conference. Seattle, WA. (May, 2012). 


Schlichenmeyer, K. J., Roscoe, E. M. Evaluating the Generalization and Maintenance of 

Treatment Effects through Stimulus Control Based Interventions. Presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis National Conference, Seattle, W. (May, 2012). 


Goldberg, N., Roscoe, E. R., Frisbee, M., Schlichenmeyer, K. J. Evaluating the role of stimulus 

cues in functional analysis. Presented at the association for professional behavior analysts conference (April, 2012) 


Schlichenmeyer, K. J., Roscoe, E. R., Leif, E. M. Evaluating the generalization and 

maintenance of stimulus control based interventions. Presented at the association for professional behavior analysts conference (April, 2012) 


Assenzio, B. A., Roscoe, E., Schlichenmeyer, K. J. Evaluating RIRD procedures in terms of 

rate of intervention implementation. Presented at the association for professional behavior analysts conference (April, 2012). 


Davis, C., Roscoe, E. M., Schlichenmeyer, K. J. Proceeding from undifferentiated data in 

functional analysis outcomes. Presented at the association for professional behavior analysts conference (April, 2012). 



University Appointments


K. Schlichenmeyer

Co-Taught Applied Behavior Analysis II. Simmons College. (2013)

Co-Taught Child Behavior Management. Western New England University (2013)





S. Cates

Massachusetts Association of Behavior Analysists, Student Representative to the Board 

of Directors, 2019-2020


K. LaCroix

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: Sub review Committee Member, September 2018-2020


K. Schlichenmeyer 

The Psychological Record: Guest Reviewer, 2011

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis: Guest Reviewer, 2011-2012

Behavioral Interventions: Guest Reviewer, 2013

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